Thursday, October 25, 2012

Natasha Thinks...

For our take action we wrote a letter to senators John Kerry and Scott Brown and congressman John Tierney addressing the fact that deportation is ripping families apart.  Many families are struggling with deportation and the impact it has on their lives.  Children are being left behind in foster care and sometimes one parent is being deported leaving families separated and devastated.
This take action is democratic because we were able to take action and voice our concerns freely without fear of repercussion.
I think that teaching social justice issues is incredibly important.  I think that as teachers it is our responsibility to make information available for our students and allow them to form their own ideas and opinions about the information provided.
The quote provided is essential to teaching social studies.  As educators we have a responsibility to help our students develop an in depth understanding of the state, country and world they live in.  Social ethics and justice will always bring controversy but should always be talked about and addressed.

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