Thursday, October 11, 2012

Hi! For the interview aspect of this blog I decided to interview my co-worker Nicole. She works in the younger preschool room (where as I'm in Pre-K) and I was genuinely interested in her thoughts on immigration and its policies. I told her only a little bit about what our blog was about and asked her the following questions:

1. Is this a problem you think is important, Why/why not?
Yes. I think that this issue is important because we need to control the amount of people being let into the country. People are coming in, and they are taking out subsidies and welfare. We need to take care of Americans before we let other people into the country.

2. Do you think that to others in the community, this is an issue? why/why not?
Yes. Other people feel the same way I do. But there are also opposing views in the community, such as people who want to get their family members into the country. I just feel like we need to take care of ourselves because there is not enough special services to go around; i.e.  the vets.

3. What policy, if any, does government now have to deal with the problem?
I'm sure there are policies, I know that in Obama's policy there have been a record number of people being deported. There is the law in Arizona, like you were saying, that promotes racial profiling...that is bad. But I think that requiring a passport to travel within North America is good.

4. What are the advantages of this policy?
I think that deportation for the most part is good.

5. What are the disadvantages?
The disadvantages would be deporting the wrong people, letting the criminals stay and the good people get deported.

6. How might this policy be improved?
I think that the government needs to stop letting people into the country, and get more help for the citizens it has. American government is too concerned with other countries and what other people think, and they need to mind their own business and focus on themselves.

7. Does this policy need to be replaces?
Yes, it needs to be specified and changed (in the ways listed above).

8. What disagreements, if any, about the policy exist in the community?
People have different views. Some people have family members in other countries that they want to come here. I think that people in this country need to be productive members of society.

9. Where can i get more information about this problem and the different positions people take on this problem?
Different members of community, newspapers, library, news.


This interview opened my eyes more to the thoughts of most people. It made me more aware about prejudice against immigrants. I agree that there needs to be reforms to the immigration policy, but cutting out immigrants all together? Where would our diversity go? I just believe there are other ways to limit immigration, while still working to benefit conditions for Americans. I love working with Nicole, and this interview gave me insight as to her thoughts and beliefs. Although we disagree on immigration, I am friends with her, and hopefully giver her more insight to this issue. I chose to interview her because I knew she would give me her honest opinion, no matter the effect it had on me and she was glad to do so.

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